februari 22, 2011

You and 6234 others (real-life persons) Like this .. SowiSocial “where offline meets online”

It was in my search for some cultural events in Amsterdam, that I found this article. Visitors of the “ Stadsschouwburg” (a theatre) in Amsterdam have the possibility to inform their Facebook-friends, whether or not they like the theatre, its plays and other facilities. Put shortly, a real-life Like-button. This has been made possible by special key ring which contains a RFID-chip (Radio Frequency Identification). This chip will be linked to the personal Facebook account of the visitor and will send information to their Facebook page including the “like” announcement, pictures and a link containing more information. This linking can be done in terminals on location, or at home online with a personal code. In the theatre there have been installed several SowiSocial-spots at which visitors can hold their key ring against (see image and movie). The key ring will be returned and reset at the end of each visit. 

Image 1 - How SowiSocial works

Movie 1 -  A SowiSocial-spot at which visitors can hold their key ring against

It will not be unlikely that this sort of linking systems between online and offline are the future.  Since several years it is possible to like online things, such as websites. Now it is also possible to “Like” things real life and make this public online. Imagine cinemas, restaurants, public transport and festivals equipped with SowiSocial spots and where it is possible to give your opinion as a customer.

In my search for more information I found out, that one of the world’s leading companies Coca-Cola implemented this already in the summer of 2010 during a summer camp for Israeli youth. More functions and possibilities of this concept are shown in the trailer below.
Movie 2 - The real-life Like button implemented by Coca-Cola

Will these real-life Like-buttons will be as successful as their forerunners? After all, the success and importance of online Like-buttons for companies and institutions has been discussed often and I share this opinion.  Facebook has millions of users who use Facebook on a daily basis. As a company or institution you should try to use Facebook as a medium to redirect a part of these users to your website/company. This can be done by Facebook pages and profiles, but also by integrating the Like-button onto your own website, and nowadays also into real-life activities. Below you can find some advantages of the online Like-button, which mainly will also apply for the real-life Like-button.

1. First, the Like-button will be associated with Facebook, a website which nowadays is very popular and also known as a reliable and important website. Users will assign these features also to your company and its online or offline activities. Or as Peter Garety said: “
When people see the Facebook logo and like button on your site, they will feel that assurance that your site and its content are legitimate. “ In my opinion this statement will also apply for the real-life Like-buttons. Imagine such spots in restaurants, where you can see that 4,550 other people Like that particular Italian restaurant…

2. Like-buttons are also an excellent example of worth-of-mouth advertising, which has been made very easy by the coming of the internet. When a Facebook user “likes” something it will be shown to all their friends through that person’s Facebook newsfeed.

3. Most importantly, the online Like-button is very easy to implement. This can be done by making a Facebook page (people can like a company and institution there) OR a Like-button can be implemented on the website of the company itself. The real-life Like-buttons are also relatively easy to implement, because of the usage of
Radio Frequency Identification.This a method which has been used by millions of companies/institutions all over the world yet witch many advantages and only some minor disadvantages.

Would you LIKE real-like Like-buttons? Why?  Where would you  like to see such SowiSocial spots? Let me know and lets get the discussion started!

1 opmerking:

  1. for me it's a eye-opener and really effects me ..
    I'm doing research if the hospitality industry can be combaint with the upcomming of the social media.. So this info is really helpful.. but my opinion is that not everybody wants to show where they are .. Thank you for this nice and good Blog .. and I will follow you..

    Martijn van Grootel
